Email List Sign Up - IVIG

Email List Sign Up

  1. From, click on the Subscribe link in the right hand bottom corner of this web page. 
  2. You will be taken to the JOIN NORIDIAN MEDICARE E-MAIL LISTS page.
  3. The End User Agreement will appear if you have not recently visited the website. Select "Accept" if this appears. 
  4. Fill in the information in Step 1 (e-mail and password) and Step 2 (name) to establish your personal profile. Select "OK." The Noridian Medicare E-mail Lists screen will appear.
  5. A confirmation e-mail will be sent to the email you entered. Select the confirmation link in the e-mail. Once the confirmation is accepted, to access the Noridian login page, select "Click here."
  6. Login by entering the e-mail address and password you provided in your personal profile.
  7. On the "Noridian Medicare E-mail Lists" page you can subscribe, unsubscribe or edit your profile for the IVIG e-mail list. 
  8. You may also access and change any features of your personal profile from this page by selecting the "My Profile" link on the right side of your browser.
Last Updated $dateUtil.getDate( $modifieddate , "MMM dd , yyyy" , $locale , $tzone )
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