Educational Opportunities - IVIG

Provider and Supplier Educational Opportunities

Educational tutorials and other multimedia education opportunities are available.


View the tutorial documents in the Left-hand Navigation menu of this webpage.

  • IVIG Demonstration Tutorial - The IVIG Tutorial provides an overview of the IVIG demonstration, how beneficiaries qualify and apply for the demonstration, how suppliers bill for demonstration claims and IVIG resources. This tutorial is based on IVIG webinars done in the fall of 2014 when the demonstration started, but have been updated to reflect current information.

Webinars (Presentations)

View the presentation documents in the Left-hand Navigation menu of this webpage.

The previous IVIG demonstration support contractor conducted webinars on the Medicare IVIG Demonstration in September 2014. During these webinars, an overview of the demonstration was provided, along with a review of the beneficiary eligibility requirements, the application process and requirements, supplier eligibility, billing, and demonstration resources.


Last Updated Aug 16 , 2021