0202U Incorrectly Paid - Resolved 10/04/22

Provider/Supplier Type(s) Impacted: All Providers

Reason Codes: N/A

Claim Coding Impact: 0202U

Description of Issue: In Part A, 0202U incorrectly paid from 07/01/20 - 04/08/22. This code is considered non-covered per Billing and Coding: MolDX: Multiplex Nucleic Acid Amplified Tests for Respiratory Viral Panels.

Noridian Action Required: Noridian has updated the system to deny 0202U as non-covered for DOS 07/01/20 - 06/01/22. Noridian will reprocess those claims paid incorrectly.

Provider/Supplier Action Required: N/A

10/04/22 - No provider action is needed to correct the claims. Providers should follow the regular process for paying any overpayments on the claims that denied in error.

Proposed Resolution/Solution: Noridian is mass adjusting claims.

09/02/22 - Noridian will start to initiate mass adjustments the week of 09/06/22.

09/19/22 - Noridian will start to initiate mass adjustments the week of 09/19/22 due to additional research being needed.

09/28/22 - Noridian is continuing to initiate mass adjustments. All adjustments will be initiated within the next two weeks.

10/04/22 - Noridian has initiated the adjustments.

Date Reported: 08/08/22

Date Resolved: 10/04/22

Last Updated $dateUtil.getDate( $modifieddate , "MMM dd , yyyy" , $locale , $tzone )