How Do I Check DDE for an ADR?

Suspended claims with a request for ADRs are held in the claim system under location S B6000 or S B6001. To search for all claims in a particular status location:

  1. Choose option 1 for Inquiries and then option 12 Claims.
  2. Enter your national provider identifier (NPI) and the status location (S B6000/S B6001).
  3. Place an "S" in the SEL field in front of the desired claim and press enter. If an ADR is pending, the information will appear beginning on claim page seven.
  4. See the DDE User's Manual for Medicare Part A for additional information on accessing DDE.

We encourage providers to monitor their ADRs through DDE at least on a weekly basis to ensure timeliness submission within the 45 required days.


Last Updated $dateUtil.getDate( $modifieddate , "MMM dd , yyyy" , $locale , $tzone )