Article Detail - JE Part A
Billing and Coding: MolDX: Blood Product Molecular Antigen Typing (A57124) - R2 - Effective October 1, 2023
This coverage article has been revised and published for notice under contract numbers: 01111 (CA), 01211 (AS, GU, HI, NMI), 01311 (NV), and 01911 (CA, HI & Territories).
Effective Date: October 1, 2023
Summary of Article Changes: Under ICD-10 Codes that Support Medical Necessity Group 1: Codes added D57.04, D57.214, D57.414, D57.434, D57.454, D57.814, and D61.02. This revision is due to the Annual ICD-10-CM Update and will become effective on 10/1/2023.
Under Article Text revised 1ST bullet to read "Select the appropriate CPT® or PLA code". Revised 3rd and 6th bullets to remove "DEX Z-Code™" and "CPT". Replaced with "DEX Z-Code®" and "CPT®". This revision is effective on 10/1/2023.
Under CPT/HCPCS Codes Group 2: Codes the description was revised for 0180U, 0193U, 0200U, and 0221U. This revision is due to the 2022 Annual CPT/HCPCS Code Update and is effective on January 1, 2022.
Visit the Noridian Medicare Coverage Articles webpage to view the complete listing of coverage articles and/or access the Active, Future, or Retired articles available in the CMS MCD.