Article Detail - JE Part A
Portable X-Ray Transportation Suppliers Billing and Coding Guidelines
Effective: 1/1/18
Specialty: 63
Medicare allows a single transportation payment for each trip the portable x-ray supplier makes to a location. The transportation HCPCS R0070 or R0075 must be billed in conjunction with the CPT radiology codes. No transportation charge is payable unless the portable x-ray equipment used was transported to the location where the x-ray was taken.
For example, Medicare contractors do not allow a transportation charge when the x-ray equipment is stored in a nursing home for use as needed; however, HCPCS Q0092 for set-up payment is payable in such situations. Medicare does not allow contractors to pay for HCPCS R0076, Transportation of portable EKG to facility or location, per patient. Do not bill HCPCS R0070 or R0075 for any portable EKG services. HCPCS codes R0070, R0075, and R0076 are not payable under OPPS.
Effective 1/1/18, CPTs 73060, 93005, and 93000 have been added to the payable list of codes. Providers may rebill their denied claims or call in the Provider Call Center with a list of claims to be reprocessed.
Noridian has carefully determined the following X-Ray codes will be payable with the corresponding transportation or set-up HCPCS codes.
- 70100-70110
- 70140-70160
- 70190-70220
- 70250-70260
- 73060
- 70300-70330
- 70350-70355
- 71045
- 71046
- 71047
- 71048
- 72020-72050
- 72070
- 72100
- 72170-72190
- 72200-72220
- 73000-73030
- 73070
- 73080
- 73090
- 73100-73110
- 73120-73140
- 73501-73502
- 73521-73522
- 73551-73565
- 73590
- 73600-73610
- 73620-73660
- 74018
- 74019
- 74021
- 74022
- 93005
- CMS Internet Only Manual (IOM), Publication 100-04, Medicare Claims Processing Manual, Chapter 13, Sections 90.3-90.4 - Radiology Services and Other Diagnostic Procedures