Fiscal Year 2024

  • CORRECTED FY 2024 Hospital Wage Index Development Time Table (PDF): CMS has updated the FY 2024 Hospital Wage Index Development Timetable to correct typos from the timetable sent previously. Some of the dates discussed in the timetable sent previously were incorrect. The corrected timetable highlights in yellow the dates that were updated. Hospitals should carefully review the corrected FY 2024 Hospital Wage Index Development Timetable.
  • FY 2024 Preliminary Wage Index PUF (ZIP): Contains the FY 2024 preliminary Worksheet S-3 wage data from FY 2020 cost reports and the Calendar Year 2019 occupational mix survey data. See description tab for complete details.
  • FY 2024 January 30, 2023 Wage Index PUFs (ZIP): January Worksheet S-3 cost report wage data, calendar year 2019 Occupational Mix survey data, January deleted Worksheet S-3 cost report wage data and January deleted Occupational Mix data.
  • FY 2024 January 30, 2023 Average Hourly Wage Comparison PUF and Preliminary Inflation Factors (ZIP): FY 2024 preliminary occupational mix adjusted CBSA Average Hourly Wages (AHWs) and the FY 2023 final occupational mix adjusted CBSA AHWs. Also includes the preliminary FY 2024 Wage Index Inflation Factors.
  • FY 2024 Proposed Rule Tables 2, 3, 4A and 4B (Wage Index Tables): Table 2- Proposed Case-Mix Index and Wage Index Table by CMS Certification Number (CCN); Table 3- Proposed Wage Index Table by CBSA; Table 4A - Proposed List of Counties Eligible for the Out-Migration Adjustment under Section 1886(d)(13) of the Act; Table 4B - Proposed Counties Redesignated under Section 1886(d)(8)(B) of the Act (LUGAR COUNTIES)
  • FY 2024 Proposed Rule Wage Index Public Use Files: Open Attached Zip file. Attached is a PDF with a description of each zip file. Main zip file contains 5 zip files:
    • FY 2024 Proposed Rule Wage Index PUFs; S3 Part II and Occ Mix Data
    • FY 2024 Proposed Rule Average Hourly Wage by Provider and CBSA Public Use File
    • FY 2024 Proposed Rule Occupational Mix Adjusted and Unadjusted Average Hourly Wages and Occupational Mix Factor by Provider
    • FY 2024 Proposed Rule Occupational Mix Adjusted and Unadjusted Average Hourly Wages and Pre-Reclass Wage Indexes by CBSA
    • FY 2024 Proposed Rule AHW by Provider Area Listing
  • FY 2024 April 28, 2023 Wage Index PUFs (ZIP): As of April 28, 2023, this file contains the FY 2024 Worksheet S-3 cost report wage data, Calendar Year 2019 Occupational Mix survey data, deleted Worksheet S-3 cost report wage data, and deleted occupational mix survey data.
  • FY 2024 Final Rule and Correction Notice Tables 2, 3, 4A and 4B (Wage Index Tables):
    • Table 2 - Case Mix Index and Wage Index Table by CMS Certification Number (CCN);
    • Table 3 - Wage Index Table by CBSA;
    • Table 4A - List of Counties Eligible for the Out-Migration Adjustment under Section 1886(d)(13) of the Act.
    • Table 4B - Counties Redesignated Under Section 1886(d)(8)(B) of the Act (LUGAR Counties)
  • FY 2024 Final Rule and Correction Notice Wage Index Public Use Files: Open Attached Zip file. Attached is a PDF with a description of each zip file. Main zip file contains 5 zip files:
    • FY 2024 Final Rule Wage Index PUFs; S3 Part II and Occ Mix Data
    • FY 2024 Final Rule Average Hourly Wage by Provider and CBSA Public Use File
    • FY 2024 Final Rule Occupational Mix Adjusted and Unadjusted Average Hourly Wages and Occupational Mix Factor by Provider
    • FY 2024 Final Rule Occupational Mix Adjusted and Unadjusted Average Hourly Wages and Pre-Reclass Wage Indexes by CBSA
    • FY 2024 Final Rule AHW by Provider Area Listing

If you have any questions regarding Wage Index, email us at


FY 2024 Wage Index Home Page - CMS


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