59 - JE Part A
Modifier 59
Distinct Procedural Service
Appropriate Usage
- Append when documentation indicates two separate procedures performed on same day by same physician
- Represented by a different session or patient encounter, different procedure or surgery, different site, or separate injury (or area of injury)
- Append to secondary, additional or lesser procedure of combinations listed in National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) edits
- Indicate 0 means a Correct Coding Modifier (CCM) is not allowed
- Indicate 1 means a Correct Coding Modifier (CCM) is allowed
- Indicator 9 means the use of a CCM is not specified
- Append when there is NO other appropriate modifier
- Append on second initial injection procedure code when IV protocol requires two separate IV sites or when patient has to come back for a separately identifiable service
Inappropriate Usage
- Code combination not appearing in NCCI edits
- Submission of E/M Codes
- Includes ophthalmology codes 92012-92014
- Submission of weekly radiation therapy management codes (CPT 77427)
- The NCCI tables lists procedure code pair with a modifier indicator of "0"
- Documentation does not support the separate and distinct status
- Exact same procedure code performed twice on same day
- Multiple administration of injections of same drug
- When a more specific modifier exists to identify the services
When a provider or supplier submits a claim for any of the codes specified (i.e., 77427, 92012-92014, and 99201-99499) with the 59 modifier or XE, XP, XS, XU, the A/B MAC shall process the claim as if the modifier were not present