Behavioral Health: Medicare Pays for 3 Services

Find out about 3 behavioral health services Medicare pays for that may improve patient outcomes:

  1. Behavioral Health Integration (BHI) Services: BHI is a model of care that incorporates behavioral health care into other care, like primary care, to improve mental, behavioral, or psychiatric health for many patients. Medicare covers 2 types of BHI services.
  2. Psychotherapy for Crisis: These services are appropriate for patients in high distress with life-threatening, complex problems that require immediate attention. These services can help reduce a patient’s mental health crisis (including substance use disorder).
  3. Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) Screening & Treatment: Medicare pays for OUD screenings performed by physicians and non-physician practitioners. If providers diagnose patients with OUD, Medicare will also pay for certain treatment services.

In October, Medicare mailed a letter to physicians and non-physician practitioners about these services. CMS encourages all providers to learn more and help improve your patients’ behavioral health.

Source: CMS MLN Connects dated November 02, 2023


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