New Provider New Biller

Make the most out of your visit by completing the following tasks as you investigate the website.

Welcome New Provider! Here is your "Top To Do List"

  • Create Favorites/ Bookmarks - Bookmark or make the Noridian Jurisdiction F Part A landing page, a "Favorite" website. After you "bookmark/add a favorite" webpage you can go directly to it in one click and you don't have to remember where it is. See Bookmarking a Webpage.
  • View "Latest Updates" Articles - View the latest news and informational articles from Noridian and CMS on the Latest Updates.
  • Sign Up for the Noridian Email Newsletter - Receive the latest CMS and Noridian updates each week. Sign-up for the Medicare Part A Email Newsletter.
  • Use the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) System - To provide an efficient and more streamlined service to you as a Medicare provider, CMS and Noridian require Medicare providers to use the IVR for IVR specific information. There are also general services available 24/7. IVR details including a flowchart and detailed IVR User Guide are available within the Contact section of this website.
  • View Education Materials and Scheduled Events - Explore Medicare information at your own pace, on your own time. Access resources such as web-based workshops, tutorials, Ask the Contractor Teleconferences (ACTs), Provider Outreach and Education (POE) Advisory Group (AG) meetings, and other educational material.
  • Register for the Noridian Medicare Portal (NMP) - Navigate to the Noridian Medicare Portal webpage and register to access online eligibility, claim status, single-claim remittance advices, and appeal submission and status. There is no cost for this service. The only expense to the healthcare provider is the cost for the Internet service provided to your business. You may also have multiple people registered for the NMP with different User IDs and all may use it at the same time! Intake staff can be verifying eligibility while billing staff is reviewing the payment status of last month's claims.
  • Locate Policies - Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) - An LCD is a decision by a contractor under Medicare Part A jurisdiction respecting whether or not a particular item or service is covered within the states that the contractor administers Medicare on behalf of CMS. View Active LCDs.
  • Review the Appeals Process - Beneficiaries, providers, and suppliers have the right to appeal Medicare coverage and payment decisions, once an initial claim determination is made.
  • Access Fee Schedules - A fee schedule is a complete listing of fees used by Medicare to pay doctors or other providers/suppliers. This comprehensive listing of fee maximums is used to reimburse a physician and/or other providers on a fee-for-service basis. To ensure our provider community has access to the most current fee schedules used by Part A providers, select the appropriate CMS link(s) included in the table on the Fee Schedules webpage.
  • Verify Noridian Contact Information - Phone numbers for various Noridian teams (Enrollment, Contact Center, Electronic Data Interchange, and User Security) in addition to the mailing address for claims, correspondence, appeals, Freedom of Information Act requests, and Fraud referrals are provided in the Contact Us section of the website.
  • Noridian Medicare Chatbot - To help locate resources or information located on our Noridian Medicare website, please use the Chat feature located in the lower right corner of any page.
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