Medicare Learning Network (MLN)

We encourage you to visit the Medicare Learning Network® (MLN) the place for official CMS Medicare Fee-For-Service provider educational information. There you can find one of our most popular products, MLN Matters national provider education articles. These articles help you understand new or changed Medicare policy and how those changes affect you. A full array of other educational products (including Web-based training courses, hard copy and downloadable publications, and CD-ROMs) are also available. You can also find other important Web sites by visiting the Physician Center Web page, and the All Fee-For-Service Providers Web page.

MLN Matters Articles - View national articles designed to inform health care professionals about the latest changes to the CMS Programs

MLN Publications - Access learning resources and products for health care professionals. Products are free of charge and may be reprinted or redistributed as necessary

MLN Provider Compliance - Access educational products that inform health care professionals on how to avoid common billing errors and other improper activities when dealing with various CMS Programs

MLN Web-Based Training (WBT) - Self-paced modules with CEUs - View courses designed for self-paced training via the Internet

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