Ask the Contractor Meeting (ACM)

The ACM is designed to open communication between the provider community and Noridian. These calls allow for timely identification of problems and information sharing in an informal and interactive atmosphere. No Personal Health Information (PHI) is allowed during these calls.

Noridian representatives from various departments including Appeals, Claims Processing, Electronic Data Interchange Support Services (EDISS), Medical Review (MR), Provider Contact Center (PCC), Provider Enrollment, Provider Outreach and Education (POE), and System Support may be available to address your questions.

Upcoming Dates and Topics

Attendees must register through a free web-based training tool (GoToWebinar) which requires an Internet connection and a toll-free telephone number (provided in confirmation email). Unless otherwise specified, ACMs are general in nature.

Noridian does not issue CEUs for ACM events. ACMs are one-hour question-and-answer sessions and not a presentation of structured material.

Time: 3-4 p.m. Central Time (CT)

Ways to Ask Questions and Answers

  • In GoToWebinar, utilize the Raise and Lower Hand Feature for verbal questions only.
  • Written pre-questions may be submitted up to 5 business days before ACM, by completing the ACM Provider Question Submission, under Educational Forms.

Per CMS Internet Only Manual (IOM), Publication 100-09, Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) Beneficiary and Provider Communications Manual, Chapter 6, Section 20.6.2, questions and answers will be published within 30 business days following an ACM.

ACM Questions and Answers

See Related Articles below for published Questions and Answers.

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