COVID-19 Monoclonal Antibodies and Their Administration Codes RTP in Error - Resolved 02/13/23

Provider/Supplier Type(s) Impacted: Not applicable

Reason Codes: 32415 and 31498

Claim Coding Impact: Q0220, Q0221, M0221, Q0222, M0222, and M0223

Description of Issue: Noridian identified claims billed with Q0220, Q0221, M0221, Q0222, M0222, and/or M0223 were returning to the provider (RTP) in error. These claims hit Reason Codes 32415 or 31498. The issue impacted claims received 12/08/22 through 01/19/23.

Noridian Action Required: Noridian has updated the system logic.

Provider/Supplier Action Required: No action required.

Proposed Resolution/Solution: Noridian will reprocess claims in RTP status with Reason Code 32415 or 31498.

02/13/23 - Noridian recycled the claims in RTP status with Reason Code 32415 or 31498. Claims will reprocess per the updated logic.

Date Reported: 02/10/23

Date Resolved: 02/13/23


Last Updated $dateUtil.getDate( $modifieddate , "MMM dd , yyyy" , $locale , $tzone )