FQHC Geographic Adjustment Factor Mass Adjustments - Resolved 04/11/22

Provider/Supplier Type(s) Impacted: FQHC

Reason Codes: Not applicable.

Claim Coding Impact: Not applicable.

Description of Issue: The FQHC Geographic Adjustment Factor (GAF) initially provided for Calendar year (CY) 2022 included malpractice Geographic Price Indices (GPCI) and caused the calculation to produce incorrect payments.

Noridian Action Required: Noridian will mass adjust all FQHC claims with dates of service on or after 01/01/22 through the date the revised information is available in the system.

Provider/Supplier Action Required: No action required.

Proposed Resolution/Solution: The corrected information is expected to be loaded on or about 03/25/22.

04/11/22 – Noridian initiated the mass adjustments.

Date Reported: 03/09/22

Date Resolved: 04/11/22


Last Updated $dateUtil.getDate( $modifieddate , "MMM dd , yyyy" , $locale , $tzone )