Telehealth Place of Service Code

Effective for date of service on or after January 1, 2022, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) allowed the new telehealth place of service (POS) code 10 - telehealth provided in patient’s home. The telehealth POS change was implemented on April 4, 2022.

CMS has implemented this change to meet the needs of the Healthcare Industry and adopted the ASC X12N 837 professional standards required for electronic claim transactions. CMS will continue to accept POS 02 for all telehealth services. However, if a claim is received with POS 10 indicating the telehealth service was performed in the patient’s home, the service will process appropriately.

  • POS 02: Telehealth Provided Other than in Patient’s Home
    Descriptor: The location where health services and health related services are provided or received, through telecommunication technology. The patient is not located in their home when receiving health services or health related services through telecommunication technology.
  • POS 10: Telehealth Provided in Patient’s Home
    Descriptor: The location where health services and health related services are provided or received through telecommunication technology. Patient is located in their home (which is a location other than a hospital or other facility where the patient receives care in a private residence) when receiving health services or health related services through telecommunication technology

CR 12427 states, Medicare hasn’t identified a need for new POS code 10. MACs will instruct providers to continue to use the Medicare billing instructions for Telehealth claims in the Internet Only Manual, 100-04, Chapter 12, Section 190.

CR 12427

CR 12549

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