Provider Transaction Access Number (PTAN)

All providers and suppliers who provide services and bill Medicare for services provided to Medicare beneficiaries must have an NPI. Once fully enrolled into Medicare, a provider/supplier will be issued a Provider Transaction Access Number (PTAN). While only the NPI can be submitted on claims, the PTAN is a critical number directly linked to the provider or supplier's NPI.

PTAN and NPI Relationship

It should be noted that the terms PTAN, CCN, and OSCAR are one in the same. While only the National Provider Identifier (NPI) is submitted on claims, the PTAN is a critical number directly linked to a provider or supplier's NPI. PTAN use should generally be limited to a provider's communication with their MAC, CMS Regional Office and State/District Offices.


  • PTAN (Provider Transaction Access Number)
  • CCN (CMS Certification Number)
  • OSCAR (Online Survey Certification and Reporting)

Inactive PTANs are Deactivated

Medicare is mandated by CMS to deactivate PTANs not being used. The deactivation process occurs every month. A provider's PTAN is deactivated when an organization has not billed the Medicare program for four consecutive quarters. A PTAN is given an end-date when it is deactivated, meaning claims can get submitted prior to the end-date within a year of the service date.

Find my PTAN

There are two options to find a provider PTAN.

  • Notification Letter: Once the Provider's enrollment is approved, the CMS Regional Office will issue a notification letter with the PTAN, effective date and the provider agreement if applicable.
  • Provider Enrollment, Chain, and Ownership System (PECOS): PECOS is the most efficient way to find a PTAN. Follow these simple steps to find PTANs in PECOS.
    • Log into Internet-based PECOS
    • Select "My Associates" on PECOS home page
    • Select "View Enrollments" by applicable individual or organizational enrollment
    • Click on "View Medicare ID Report"
    • PTAN or PTANs are listed in Medicare ID column


Last Updated $dateUtil.getDate( $modifieddate , "MMM dd , yyyy" , $locale , $tzone )