Face-to-Face Encounter Must Occur Prior to Written Order Prior to Delivery (WOPD)

For all items requiring a WOPD and face-to-face encounter, a practitioner visit is required within six months preceding the WOPD. A WOPD is a completed Standard Written Order (SWO) that is communicated to the DMEPOS supplier before delivery of the item(s).

The WOPD follows the same documented requirements as the SWO; the only difference is the timeliness requirements of the order, prior to dispensing versus prior to claim submission.

The face-to-face encounter must be documented in the pertinent portion of the medical record (for example, history, physical examination, diagnostic tests, summary of findings, progress notes, treatment plans) or other sources of information that may be appropriate. The supporting documentation must include subjective and objective beneficiary-specific information used for diagnosing, treating, or managing a clinical condition for which the DMEPOS is ordered.


Last Updated $dateUtil.getDate( $modifieddate , "MMM dd , yyyy" , $locale , $tzone )