Medicare Learning Network (MLN)

We encourage you to visit the Medicare Learning Network® (MLN) the place for official CMS Medicare Fee-For-Service provider educational information. MLN Matters national provider education articles help suppliers understand new or changed Medicare policy and how those changes affect them. A full array of other educational products (including Web-based training courses, hard copy and downloadable publications, and CD-ROMs) are also available.

MLN Matters Articles - View national articles designed to inform health care professionals about the latest changes to the CMS Programs

MLN Publications - Access learning resources and products for health care professionals. Products are free of charge and may be reprinted or redistributed as necessary

MLN Provider Compliance - Access educational products that inform health care professionals on how to avoid common billing errors and other improper activities when dealing with various CMS Programs

MLN Web-Based Training (WBT) - Self-paced modules with CEUs - View courses designed for self-paced training via the Internet

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