Resolving Denials for Reason Code 16 and Remark Code MA83

Did you know that block 11 on the 1500 claim form must be completed to indicate whether Medicare is the primary or secondary payer?

  • Item 11 on the 1500 claim form must be completed and cannot be left blank.
  • If there is insurance primary to Medicare for the service date(s), enter the insured's policy or group number within the box.
  • If there is no insurance primary to Medicare, do not enter "n/a," "not," etc., enter the word NONE within the confines of the box.

If item 11 is left blank, the claim will be denied as unprocessable with reason code 16, remark code MA83 on the remittance advice. The claim must be corrected and resubmitted.


Last Updated $dateUtil.getDate( $modifieddate , "MMM dd , yyyy" , $locale , $tzone )