Tools Series: External Infusion Pumps (EIP) C-Peptide Calculator

The C-Peptide Calculator tool calculates c-peptide results for beneficiaries with or without renal insufficiency and helps determine whether the c-peptide levels meet the LCD requirements.

Beneficiaries without renal insufficiency

  • Insulin Infusion Pump Criterion A1: C-peptide level is less than or equal to 110 percent of the lower limit of normal of the laboratory's measurement method.

Beneficiaries with renal insufficiency

  • Insulin Infusion Pump Criterion A2: Beneficiaries with renal insufficiency and a creatinine clearance (actual or calculated from age, weight, and serum creatinine) less than or equal to 50 ml/minute, a fasting C-peptide level is less than or equal to 200 percent of the lower limit of normal of the laboratory's measurement method.

This slick calculator can be found on the Noridian Tools and EIP webpages.


Last Updated $dateUtil.getDate( $modifieddate , "MMM dd , yyyy" , $locale , $tzone )