Your Webinar Survey Comments Making a Difference

You have helped us improve your education. We review every survey comment from our suppliers. Look what we did in response to your webinar surveys.

  • To help suppliers get their questions answered, some webinars have introduced additional opportunities to ask verbal questions throughout the webinar right when the content is fresh.
  • We read your comments on the challenges of repair and replacement rules and correctly using modifiers. So, we took on the assignment of adding more content about these rules to our policy specific webinars.
  • Are we hearing what you’re seeing? We are taking a close look at the content on our webinar slides. Is there enough information there? Does it make sense? Does what we are saying enhance what you are seeing? Your comments encourage us to keep looking for improvements.
  • In small groups, we review your webinar survey comments and written questions. We use them to add/change slide information. We do additional research. We have discussions about policy criteria and challenges our suppliers face.

Thank you for taking the time to come to our events, use our website, and ask questions. We want to do what we can to help you serve your communities.

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