Date Span Requirements on Claims

The following DMEPOS items require a date span on all claims submitted to the DME MACs per the Standard Documentation Requirements Article

  • Diabetic testing supplies (i.e., test strips, lancets)
  • Continuous passive motion devices (CPM)
  • Parenteral and enteral nutrition
  • Parenteral and enteral administration kits
  • External infusion pump supplies (Recommended)

Suppliers are obligated to encompass the service dates using "From" and "To" dates on any electronic or paper claim for the aforementioned items. The "From" date signifies when the items were furnished to the Medicare beneficiary. Conversely, the "To" date corresponds to the anticipated final date of usage for the items. For instance, if a three-month provision (January - March 2023) of diabetic testing supplies is being supplied to a beneficiary, the "From" date on the claim should be "01/01/2023," and the "To" date should be "03/31/2023." This information is required to facilitate accurate processing of the claim by the DME MACs.


Last Updated $dateUtil.getDate( $modifieddate , "MMM dd , yyyy" , $locale , $tzone )