Urological Supplies Final LCD (L33803) and Response to Comments (RTC) Article Published

Joint DME MAC Publication

Today, the DME MACs published the Urological Supplies Final LCD (L33803) and LCD-related Policy Article (PA) (A52521). The policy extends coverage for the inFlow™ device as reasonable and necessary for beneficiaries with Permanent Urinary Retention (PUR) due to Impaired Detrusor Contractility (IDC), when coverage criteria are met. The posting of the final LCD marks the beginning of the 45-day notice period. The final LCD will be effective July 26, 2020.

The DME MACs have also posted a response to all written comments received during the comment period, in a Response to Comments (RTC) Article (A58231).

Please refer to each DME MAC website for additional information about policy development and copies of the final LCD.


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