Collaborative Education with A/B MACs

In previous articles, we shared how the Noridian and CGS Program Managers oversee monthly operational and collaborative workgroups that focus on DME MAC process improvements across the four DME MAC jurisdictions. In this article, the Program Managers want to share how we support the education of ordering clinicians on the documentation requirement for ordering DMEPOS.

The DME MACs understand the importance of ordering clinicians’ accurate and complete supporting documentation when ordering DMEPOS items. Our websites have sections to assist clinicians with a better understanding of the coverage and documentation requirements when providing and ordering durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and supplies (DMEPOS) to Medicare beneficiaries:

JA- Clinicians Corner - JA DME - Noridian (
JB- Physician's Corner (
JC- Physician's Corner (
JD-Clinicians Corner - JD DME - Noridian (

To support our DMEPOS suppliers the DME MACs have been collaborating with all the A/B MACs since 2019 to present quarterly A/B/DME MAC Educational webinars.  The DME MACs recommend the webinar topics based on DMEPOS paid claim error rates as measured by the Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (CERT) program contractor.

The 2023 webinars focused on educating the ordering clinicians on what they can do to reduce CERT errors that are caused by missing or incomplete medical record documentation.

The 2023 completed A/B/DME MAC Educational webinars topics were:

  • Q1: Knee Orthosis
  • Q2: Oxygen
  • Q3: Surgical Dressings
  • Q4: Therapeutic Shoes for Persons with Diabetes

MAC Customer Experience (MCE) Survey - We Value Your Feedback

We highly encourage you to take the survey each time you are presented with the opportunity. Whether you see a survey pop up on the website or portal, or you receive a survey invitation after a Provider Outreach and Education (POE) event, please take a few minutes and share feedback.

Surveys give you a direct means to let us know what works well and where we have room for improvement. We are genuinely interested in your comments, and we review every score to help us develop initiatives that better serve you.


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