Change Healthcare Security Incident - Paper Claim Rejections

Noridian has received several batches of paper claims that are unable to be processed due to critical errors with how the CMS-1500 paper claim forms have been submitted. Some common errors Noridian has discovered include:

  • Incorrect claim form version submitted or improperly aligned information
  • Incorrect color of ink or not visible ink
  • Item 11 of the CMS-1500 form being blank
  • Item 17 of the CMS-1500 form including the provider's middle initial and/or credentials
  • Item 32 of the CMS-1500 form being blank

Noridian is prepared to accept paper claims for the providers impacted by the Change Healthcare Security Incident that have received a temporary paper claim waiver. However, please be aware that paper claims take a minimum of 29 days for payment, and all paper claim form guidelines must be followed for the claims to process. Guidelines for completing a claim form can be found on Noridian's Claim Form Instructions. Formatting requirements can be found on Noridian's CMS-1500 Claim Form Guidelines and Tips. Claims that do not meet these criteria will be returned to providers and need to be resubmitted either electronically or paper with the appropriate corrections.

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