Who Reviewed My Claim

Multiple CMS contractors, identified below, are charged with completing reviews of medical record and each send out their own demand letter. It is important for providers to review the letter closely as most times the reviewing entity is indicated within body of letter. Check out the sample additional documentation letters below.

Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (CERT)

If a provider receives a letter that looks like the below, the CERT Review Contractor is performing a review. This is not a Noridian review.

Example of CMS demand letter. Contains logo located left upper corner, provider name and address below CMS logo, identifying information for claim under review including CID # and provider National Provider Identifier (NPI). The first paragraph identifies Comprehensive Error Rate Testing as the reviewing contractor.

Noridian Medical Review

If a provider receives a letter that looks like the below, Noridian is performing a review.

Example of Noridian demand letter. The Noridian logo and address is in the upper left-hand corner, the provider address is just below the logo, and the Internal Control Number (ICN) that identifies Noridian Medicare Part B as the reviewing contractor is included to the left of the provider address.

The Noridian return address is included mid second page of demand letter.

Office of Inspector General (OIG)

No letter example available

Quality Improvement Organization (QIO)

No letter example available

Recovery Auditor

If a provider receives a letter that looks like the below, the Recovery Auditor is performing a review. This is not a Noridian review.

Example of RAC demand letter. Contains CMS logo located left upper corner and the Recovery Auditor Contractor information in the upper right corner. Below the CMS logo is the date, reference ID, provider name and address is included, Provider Transaction Access Number (PTAN), Provider National Provider Identifier (NPI), phone and fax number.

Supplemental Medical Review Contractor (SMRC)

If a provider receives a letter that looks like the below, the SMRC is performing a review. This is not a Noridian review.

Beginning the upper left hand corner will be CMS logo and at the top right hand of the page the Noridian Healthcare Solutions logo.  Under the CMS logo will be the date the letter was mailed. Provider name and address. Following will be the CMS project ID and provider NPI number. The first paragraph of the body identifies that the letter was sent by Supplemental Medical Review Contractor (SMRC).


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