Fax Numbers - JF Part B
Fax Numbers
To ensure your submitted faxes are received by Noridian and processed in a timely manner, follow these five guidelines:
- Direct your fax to correct Noridian department
- Submit a fax cover sheet which includes:
- Total number of pages
- Noridian department name
- Provider name
- Provider contact information
- Submit a single fax transmission with all documents to support a single claim/request
- There is not a system in place to consolidate multiple fax receipts to a single claim, inquiry, appeal etc.
- Submit a separate fax for each claim, inquiry, or response with all supporting documentation attached for that specific claim
- Review clarity of documents being faxed to ensure contents will not be distorted when faxed
- Highlights, shading, previously faxed pages where legibility may be further diminished if re-faxed
Noridian cannot accept initial/new claim form submissions via fax.
View departmental fax numbers below.
- General Inquiries - General Written Inquiries, Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP), PWK (paperwork), Redeterminations, and Written Reopenings: 701-277-7852
- Congressional Inquiries: 701-277-6620
- Electronic Data Interchange Support Services (EDISS): 701-277-7850
- Freedom of Information Act (FOIA): 701-433-3121
- Local Coverage Determination (LCD) - Reconsiderations and New LCD Recommendations: 701-715-9553
- Medical Review (MR)
- Prepayment Review Documentation Requests, Medical Documentation Specifically Requested and Dialysis Waivers: 701-277-7852
- Post-Payment Review Documentation Requests: 701-277-6977
- RSNAT Prior Authorization Request: 701-433-3024
- Provider Enrollment: 701-277-7868
- Provider Outreach and Education Advisory Group (POE AG) Membership Application: 701-433-3121
- Recoupment / Immediate Offsets: 701-277-7874
- User Security - Professional Provider Telecommunications Network (PPTN) and Noridian Medicare Portal (NMP): 701-433-3301