Local Coverage Determination (LCD) Finalized - Effective April 1, 2024

Date Posted: February 15, 2024

The following Local Coverage Determination (LCD) has completed the Open Public Meeting comment period and is now finalized under contractor numbers: 02102 (AK), 02202 (ID), 02302 (OR), 02402 (WA), 03102 (AZ), 03202 (MT), 03302 (ND), 03402 (SD), 03502 (UT), and 03602 (WY).

Medicare Coverage Database Number LCD Title
L36859 Trigger Point Injections (TPI)


Medicare Coverage Database Number Billing and Coding Article Title
A57702 Billing and Coding: Trigger Point Injections (TPI)


Medicare Coverage Database Number Response to Comments
A59652 Response to Comments: Trigger Point Injections (TPI)

Effective Date: April 1, 2024

Last Updated $dateUtil.getDate( $modifieddate , "MMM dd , yyyy" , $locale , $tzone )