Ambulance Services Provided Outside the United States

Medicare may cover emergency foreign hospital services that are closer to (or more accessible), to the nearest US hospital (adequately equipped and available to deal with the emergency).

May only bill Ambulance patient loaded miles upon US point of entry.

  • Example: Beneficiary is in Canada and the closest hospital may be in Alaska or Washington, then mileage starts at that border

Air Ambulance

  • From areas outside U.S. to U.S., transport will be paid at fees associated with U.S. border port of entry zip codes

Ground Ambulance

  • If pickup and drop off points within Canada or Mexico, transport will be paid at fee associated with U.S. zip code that is closest to point of pickup (POP)
  • If pickup within Canada or Mexico to U.S., transport will be paid at fee associated with U.S. zip code at point of entry

Water Ambulance

  • From territorial waters of U.S., transport will be paid fee associated with U.S. port of entry zip code



Last Updated $dateUtil.getDate( $modifieddate , "MMM dd , yyyy" , $locale , $tzone )