ASC Payment Indicators - JF Part B
ASC Payment Indicators
Indicator | Description |
A2 | Surgical procedure on ASC list in CY 2007; payment based on OPPS relative payment weight |
B5 | Alternative coded may be available; no payment made |
D5 | Deleted/discontinued code; no payment made |
F4 | Corneal tissue acquisition; hepatitis B vaccine; paid at reasonable cost |
G2 | Non-office-based surgical procedure added in CY 2008 or later; payment based on OPPS relative payment weight. |
H2 | Brachytherapy source paid separately when provided integral to a surgical procedure on ASC list; payment based on OPPS rate. |
J7 | OPPS pass-through device paid separately when provided integral to a surgical procedure on an ASC list; payment contractor-priced. Require invoice information. |
J8 | Device-intensive procedure; paid at adjusted rate |
K2 | Drugs and biologicals paid separately when provided integral to a surgical procedure on an ASC list' payment based on OPPS rate |
K5 | Items, codes, and services for which pricing information and claims data are not available. No payment made |
K7 | Unclassified drugs and biologicals; payment contractor-priced |
L1 | Influenza vaccine; pneumococcal vaccine. Packaged item/service; no separate payment made. |
L6 | New Technology Intraocular Lens (NTIOL); special payment |
N1 | Packaged service/item; no separate payment made |
P2 | Office-based surgical procedure added to ASC list in CY 2008 or later with MPFS nonfacility PE RVUs; payment based on OPPS relative payment weight. |
P3 | Office-based surgical procedure added to ASC list in CY 2008 or later with MPFS nonfacility PE RVU; payment based on MPFS nonfacility PE RVUs. |
R2 | Office-based surgical procedure added to ASC list in CY 2008 or later without MPFS nonfacility PE RVUs; payment based on OPPS relative payment weight |
Z2 | Radiology or diagnostic service paid separate when provided integral to a surgical procedure on ASC list; payment based on OPPS relative payment weight. |
Z3 | 'Radiology or diagnostic service paid separately when provided integral to a surgical procedure on ASC list; payment based on MPFS nonfacility PE RVUs. |
Last Updated $dateUtil.getDate( $modifieddate , "MMM dd , yyyy" , $locale , $tzone )