RARC, CARC, MREP and PC Print Update

Related CR Release Date: February 8, 2024
Effective Date: July 1, 2024
Implementation Date: July 1, 2024
Related Change Request (CR) Number: CR 13517
Related CR Transmittal Number: R12498CP

CR 13517 updates the Remittance Advice Remark Code (RARC) and Claims Adjustment Reason Code (CARC) lists and to instruct the ViPS Medicare System (VMS) and the Fiscal Intermediary Shared System (FISS) to update the Medicare Remit Easy Print (MREP) and the PC Print. This Recurring Update Notification (RUN) applies to Chapter 22, Sections 40.5, 60.2, and 60.3 of Publication (Pub.) 100-04.

Make sure your billing staff knows about these changes.

View the complete CMS Change Request (CR)13517.

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