Urological Supplies - JA DME
Urological Supplies
- Urinary Drainage Bags (230.17) National Coverage Determination (NCD)
- Urological Supplies Local Coverage Determination (LCD)
- Urological Supplies Policy Article
- Standard Documentation Requirements for All Claims Submitted to DME MACs
- Clinician Checklist Urological Supplies - Checklist to assist clinicians with coverage and documentation requirements
- Clinician Letter - Intermittent Urinary Catheterization - Letter may be sent to clinicians to assist in obtaining documentation
- Urological Supplies Documentation Checklist - Checklist to ensure suppliers gather all required documentation
- Medical Review - View notifications/findings of pre/post claim reviews completed by Noridian Medical Review
Per the bundling table listed in Policy Article A52521:
- When the bundled code listed in Column I is billed, the codes in column II are not separately payable.
- When the codes in Column II are provided at the same time, it must be billed with the bundled code listed in Column I.
Column I | Column II |
A4310 | A4332 |
A4311 | A4310, A4332, A4338 |
A4312 | A4310, A4332, A4344 |
A4313 | A4310, A4332, A4346 |
A4314 | A4310, A4311, A4331, A4332, A4338, A4354, A4357 |
A4315 | A4310, A4312, A4331, A4332, A4344, A4354, A4357 |
A4316 | A4310, A4313, A4331, A4332, A4346, A4354, A4357 |
A4354 | A4310, A4331, A4332, A4357 |
A4357 | A4331 |
A4358 | A4331, A5113, A5114 |
A5105 | A4331, A4358, A5112, A5113, A5114 |
A5112 | A5513, A5114 |
Continued Medical Need
For all DMEPOS items, the initial justification for medical need is established at the time the item(s) is first ordered, therefore, beneficiary medical records demonstrating that the item is reasonable and necessary are created just prior to, or at the time of, the creation of the initial prescription. Once initial medical need is established, ongoing need for urological supplies is assumed to be met. There is no requirement for further documentation of continued medical need if the beneficiary continues to meet the Prosthetic Devices benefit.
Continued Medical Need information can be found in the Urological Supplies (L33803).
Coverage Criteria for Intermittent Urinary Catheters A4353 - Immunosuppressed Beneficiaries Meeting Criteria 2
Immunosuppressed criteria for the A4353 (intermittent urinary catheter, with insertion supplies) are covered when a beneficiary requires catheterization and the beneficiary is immunosuppressed, for example below (not an all-inclusive list).
- On a regimen of immunosuppressive drugs post-transplant,
- On cancer chemotherapy,
- Has AIDS,
- Has a drug-induced state such as chronic oral corticosteroid use.
- Immunosuppressed spinal cord injury patients will be considered for coverage when conducting medical reviews.
Note: The above list indicates that it is not an all-inclusive list. For all conditions, the practitioner is required to clearly document the condition causing the immunosuppression within the beneficiary's medical records to qualify for criteria 2. These practitioner records must meet the medical necessity based on the coverage criteria listed within the Urological Supplies (L33803).
Beneficiary Entering Medicare FFS Using Sterile Intermittent Catheters (A4353)
Suppliers must obtain documentation supporting the claim that the beneficiary has been using the A4353 prior to becoming Medicare eligible. The beneficiary would not have to go back and retrial the other catheters.
Noridian understands that beneficiaries entering Medicare who are currently on sterile intermittent catheters (A4353) must continue to utilize these catheters. Medicare will not require beneficiaries entering Medicare to go back and trial the A4351 or A4352 and wait for two urinary tract infections (UTIs) within 12 months.
Documentation needed to continue the A4353 would need to be submitted if a claim denial occurs. A redetermination may need to be submitted. Supporting medical records documenting the previous UTIs would be the best documentation to support the use of A4353. If this documentation is not available, provide the most current medical necessity documentation to support the medical need of A4353. As a reminder, Medicare will not request medical records that are more than 7 years. More information on Beneficiaries Entering Medicare can be found on our website.
PureWick Urine Collection System - Coding and Billing Instructions - Revised
In 2020, PureWick Urine Collection System™ manufactured by Becton-Dickinson (BD) was assigned a new Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System code (HCPCS), K1006, effective October 1, 2020 through December 31, 2023. For dates of service (DOS) on or after January 1, 2024, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) crosswalked coding of the product from K1006 to a new HCPCS code, E2001.
Please view the Joint DME MAC Publication for coding and billing instructions