Sequestration Amount Taken in Error for Date of Service 04/01/21 - Resolved 06/09/21

Provider/Supplier Type(s) Impacted: DME

Reason Codes: Not Applicable

Claim Coding Impact: Not Applicable

Description of Issue: Due to a technical issue, the 2% Sequestration amount was taken from all claims with a date of service (DOS) of 04/01/21. A mass adjustment will be done to correct payment on these claims and pay out the 2% Sequestration amount that was taken in error. The mass adjustment will be completed by 05/31/21.

Noridian Action Required: Mass adjustment will be done to correct error.

05/26/21 - Mass adjustments are initiated.

06/02/21 - The mass adjustment inadvertently omitted Competitive Bid Claims. The omitted claims will be corrected by 06/18/21.

06/09/21 - The additional adjustments are initiated.

Provider/Supplier Action Required: None

Proposed Resolution/Solution: Mass adjustment will be done to correct error.

Date Reported: 04/28/21

Date Resolved: 06/09/21

Last Updated $dateUtil.getDate( $modifieddate , "MMM dd , yyyy" , $locale , $tzone )