Clinician DME on Demand Tutorials

The Noridian Outreach and Education (POE) team offers the following self-paced educational materials for clinicians. These items are available 24/7 to meet your training needs.

Collaborative webinars are created jointly with all Part A, Part B and DME Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) to provide clinicians with an all-encompassing educational tutorial.

These videos can be found on the Noridian Medicare DME Collaborative Presentations YouTube playlist.

  • Collaborative Documentation - 12 minutes
  • Collaborative Glucose Monitors - 13 minutes
  • Collaborative Lower Limb Orthosis (LLO) - 28 minutes
  • Collaborative Oxygen - 21 minutes
  • Collaborative Positive Airway Pressure Device (PAP) - 14 minutes
  • Collaborative Spinal Orthoses - 20 minutes
  • Collaborative Surgical Dressings and Supplies - 32 minutes


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