RETIRED - Billing of Part B Drugs and Enteral Nutrition to DME MACs During COVID-19 Pandemic - Dispensing Amounts - Revised


Content Provided on this page contains outdated information and instruction and should not be considered current. Noridian is providing this archived information for research purposes only. This archived article contains previously issued instructions that have since been updated or are no longer applicable for Medicare billing purposes.

Joint DME MAC Article

Under current Medicare rules, for immunosuppressive drugs used after an organ transplant, oral anticancer drugs, intravenous immune globulin (IVIG), and enteral nutrition, utilization requirements generally limit dispensing amounts to a 30-day supply. With the recent COVID-19 pandemic, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), under their National Emergency authority, is allowing Medicare beneficiaries to obtain amounts of Part B drugs and enteral nutrition products in excess of the current monthly (30 day) limitation. This change is effective for claims with dates of service on or after March 1, 2020.

In the event that a treating practitioner prescribes more than a monthly (30 day) amount, the CR modifier (CATASTROPHE/DISASTER RELATED) must be added to the HCPCS code billed. In addition, suppliers are instructed to enter "COVID-19" in the NTE 2400 (line note) or NTE 2300 (claim note) segments of the American National Standard Institute (ANSI X12) format or field 390-BM of the National Council for Prescription Drug Program (NCPDP) format. These abbreviations may also be used in Item 19 of the CMS-1500 claim form.

In the event of an audit, review contractors will identify these claims by the "COVID-19" entry and assess if the amount was reasonable and necessary, based on the nature of the particular drug, the patient’s diagnosis, the extent and likely duration of disruptions to the drug supply chain during the COVID-19 national emergency, and other relevant factors.

Refer to the applicable Local Coverage Determinations and related Policy Articles for additional coverage, coding and documentation requirements.

Publication History

Date of Change Description
03/19/20 Originally Published
05/11/20 Revised article title to include "and Enteral Nutrition," added enteral nutrition to items dispensed in excess of 30-day supply, and updated reference of "498-PP" to "390-BM"
05/12/23 Retired


Last Updated $dateUtil.getDate( $modifieddate , "MMM dd , yyyy" , $locale , $tzone )