ICD-10 & Other Coding Revisions to National Coverage Determinations: April 2023 Update

MLN Matters Number: MM12960
Related CR Release Date: November 4, 2022
Related CR Transmittal Number: R11676OTN
Related Change Request (CR) Number: 12960
Effective Date: April 1, 2023 - or as noted in this Article
Implementation Date: April 3, 2023

CR 12960 tells you about:

  • Newly available codes
  • Separate NCD coding revisions
  • Coding feedback

Previous NCD coding changes are available. Also, see the NCD spreadsheets for CR 12960.

CMS isn’t including any policy changes in this ICD-10 quarterly update. CMS covers NCD policy
changes using the current, longstanding NCD process.

Make sure your staff knows about these changes.

View the complete CMS Medicare Learning Network (MLN) Matters (MM)12960.

Last Updated $dateUtil.getDate( $modifieddate , "MMM dd , yyyy" , $locale , $tzone )