Ambulance Fee Schedules

There is a national fee schedule for ambulance services furnished as a benefit under Medicare Part B. It applies to all ambulance services, including private, independent, and institutional providers and skilled nursing facilities.

Effective January 2024 - Ambulance Fee Schedule files can be found on the CMS Ambulance Fee Schedule & ZIP Code Files and access the Public Use Files (PUFs) link."


Medicare pays for "loaded" miles only. These are miles traveled while the patient is on board. Medicare does not pay for miles traveled to the point of pick up.


Air and Ground ambulance mileage rates are adjusted by the yearly ambulance inflation factor (AIF). See the CMS Internet Only Manual (IOM), Publication 100-04, Medicare Claims Processing Manual, Chapter 15, Section 20.1.4 - Components of the Ambulance Fee Schedule to see how the amounts are determined.


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