Proposed LCDs - JE Part B
Medicare Coverage Database (MCD)
The draft LCDs are available on the CMS MCD website:
California Northern
- Contractor ID 01112
California Southern
- Contractor ID 01182
Hawaii and Territories
- Contractor ID 01212
- Contractor ID 01312
Proposed LCDs
When there are Proposed Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) that are in the comment period, this webpage will provide a summary of comments received and Noridian's response. This information will remain on this webpage for at least six months.
Status Indicators
D = Proposed under development, not yet released for comment
C = Proposed LCD released for comment
E = Formal comment period has ended; comments now being considered
F = Final new/revised LCD has been issued for notice
A = Active policy: notice period complete and the policy is in effect
Send Proposed LCD Comments to:
Noridian Medicare JE Part B
Attention: Proposed LCD Comments
PO Box 6781
Fargo, ND 58108-6781