Clinician’s Checklists

Category Checklist
Blepharoplasty Blepharoplasty
Botulinum Toxin Botulinum Toxin
Cataract Surgery Cataract Surgery
Chest X-ray Chest X-ray
Facet Joint Intervention For Pain Management Facet Joint Intervention For Pain Management
Hip Arthroplasty Hip Arthroplasty
HBO Therapy Hyperbaric Oxygen (HBO) Therapy
Implantable Cardiac Defibrillators Implantable Cardiac Defibrillators (ICDs)
Implanted Spinal Neurostimulators Implanted Spinal Neurostimulators
Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF)
Knee Arthroplasty Knee Arthroplasty
Mohs Micrographic Surgery Mohs Micrographic Surgery (MMS)
MRI and CT scans of Head and Neck MRI and CT scans of Head and Neck
Panniculectomy Panniculectomy
Repetitive, Scheduled Non-emergent Ambulance Transport (RSNAT) Repetitive, Scheduled Non-Emergent Ambulance Transport
Rhinoplasty Rhinoplasty
Urine Drug Testing Urine Drug Testing
Vein Ablation Vein Ablation


Last Updated $dateUtil.getDate( $modifieddate , "MMM dd , yyyy" , $locale , $tzone )