Immunization: Protect Your Patients

Adult vaccination rates remain low, especially among racial and ethnic minority populations who are less likely to be vaccinated. During National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM), encourage your patients to get back on track with routine vaccines:

  • Help protect your patients against serious diseases. Talk to them about vaccines they may have missed.
  • Help high-risk patients learn about the benefits of vaccines.
  • Use your recommendation to make a difference. You’re a valued and trusted source of health information.
  • Refer patients to other vaccine providers and follow up even if your practice doesn’t administer or stock certain vaccines.

Medicare covers the following vaccines:

Your patients pay nothing if you accept assignment. Use the CMS Checking Medicare Eligibility MLN Fact Sheet to check eligibility for CPT or HCPCS codes, date of service, and NPI that billed for flu shots in the last 18 months. If you need help, contact your eligibility service provider.

More Information:


CMS MLN Connects dated August 4, 2022

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