Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) Finalized - Effective August 18, 2024

Date Posted: July 5, 2024

The following Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) have completed the Open Public Meeting comment period and are now finalized under contractor numbers: 01112 (NCA), 01182 (SCA), 01212 (AS, GU, HI, and NMI), and 01312 (NV).

Medicare Coverage Database NumberLCD Title
L39589MolDX: Molecular Biomarker Testing for Risk Stratification of Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Medicare Coverage Database NumberBilling and Coding Article Title
A59386Billing and Coding: MolDX: Molecular Biomarker Testing for Risk Stratification of Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Medicare Coverage Database NumberResponse to Comments
A59830Response to Comments: MolDX: Molecular Biomarker Testing for Risk Stratification of Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Effective Date: August 18, 2024

View Active LCDs on our website or the Medicare Coverage Determination (MCD).

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