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Symposium Events

SAVE THE DATE. Noridian's 2025 April 23 and 24 Spring Virtual Symposium - "An Ounce of Prevention". More details soon.

Date Time Title CEUs Line of Business
09/18/2024 9 - 10 a.m. CT Title: Sleuthing Through HIPAA

Description: At the Special Agent Headquarters, we'll look for clues to be aware of HIPAA compliance.
Speaker: Teresa Cirelli [PDF]
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09/18/2024 10 - 11 a.m. CT Title: The Power of Deduction - A Study in Audit: Cost Report Intricacies

Description: Attend our session on organ acquisition, provider-based attestations, provider-based physicians, and worksheet B-1 as it relates to the cost report.
Speaker: Claire Schmitt [PDF]
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09/18/2024 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. CT Title: "221B Baker Street: Home of the CERT Requested Documents"

Description: This presentation will discuss the CERT program documentation requirements and regulatory compliance.
Speaker: Hailey Smith & Vanessa Cirelli [PDF]
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09/18/2024 12 - 1 p.m. CT Intermission N/A All
09/18/2024 1 - 2 p.m. CT Title: CMS - "Elementary, my dear Watson!" - A CMS Update on Policy and Practice

Description: CMS Regional Chief Medical Officer Dr. Ashby Wolfe will provide an overview of the latest CMS policies related to physician reimbursement, cybersecurity and interoperability.
Speaker: Dr. Ashby Wolfe [PDF]
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09/18/2024 2 - 3 p.m. CT Title: "Understanding Relationships like Holmes and Watson - RAC Audit Compliance: People, Process, and Technology"

Description: Attend the Recovery Audit Contractor (RAC) session to obtain a new or refreshed overview of the Region 4 RAC Program Process.
Speaker: Crystal Guadan [PDF]
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09/18/2024 3 - 4 p.m. CT Title: "You know my methods, Watson! Follow the Clues..."

Description: Performant Director, Roxanne Cooksey will provide an overview that will take the mystery out of complying with RAC audit requests.
Speaker: Roxanne Cooksey [PDF]
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09/19/2024 9 - 10 a.m. CT Title: The Curious Case of the Compliant Laboratory: Sherlock Holmes Investigates

Description: Using a case-based format we will investigate common non-compliant lab practices, and discuss compliance regulations.
Speaker: Dr. Aparna Rajadhyaksha & Dr. Luke Barre [PDF]
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09/19/2024 10 - 11 a.m. CT Title: Dr. Watson's Guide to Documentation and Medical Necessity

Description: An overview of clinical documentation and the requirements to support medical necessity.  
Speaker: Mindy Schultz [PDF]
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09/19/2024 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. CT Title: "Mastering the Prior Authorization Regulations to Avoid Compliance Pitfalls"

Description: By attending this session, you will be able to effectively avoid Medicare prior authorization compliance pitfalls. You will learn the keys required to insure you leave no stone unturned, so Mr. Holmes (Sherlock) is not searching for you.
Speaker: Kimberly Brantley Phillips [PDF]
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09/19/2024 12 - 1 p.m. CT Intermission N/A All
09/19/2024 1 - 2 p.m. CT Title: Solving The Mystery of General DME Documentation

Description: This presentation will solve the mystery of what is required in a standard written order, who is authorized to order, signature requirements, and criteria needed in a written order prior to delivery. We'll also investigate a good intake process, supplementary documentation, and more. You'll need your notepad and magnifying glass to solve this mystery.
Speaker: Corinne Medina [PDF]
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09/19/2024 2 - 3 p.m. CT Title: "The Complicated Case of Compliance with Third Party Billers"

Description: Make positive choices when selecting third party billing vendors to reduce cost, identify vulnerabilities, and provider legal responsibilities.
Speaker: Tammy Ewers [PDF]
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09/19/2024 3 - 4 p.m. CT Title: A Study in Compliance: Sherlock Holmes and Medicare Regulations for Provider Enrollment

Description: When enrolling in Medicare, the compliance requirements will ensure the enrollment records are up to date and following the directions from CMS. Learn about Ownership discrepancies and how to update records, timeframe of making changes and revalidating enrollment records. In the presentation we will cover the types of screening CMS conducts and consequences for not updating records for Medicare.
Speaker: Julie Schroeder [PDF]
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