Medicare Advantage Plan - JF Part B
Medicare Advantage Plan
CARC/RARC | Description |
CO-24 | Charges are covered under a capitation agreement/managed care plan. |
Common Reasons for Message
- Patient enrolled in a Medicare Advantage (MA) plan on date of service
- Certain MA plans take place of Original Fee-For-Service Medicare
- Patient's Common Working File (CWF) file has not been updated to show disenrollment from MA plan
- Patient is enrolled in an MA plan and also elected hospice
- Original Medicare covers attending physician services and all care unrelated to terminal illness
- Appropriate modifier(s) is missing from claim
- Patient enrolled in MA plan and also in a clinical trial
- Original Medicare covers routine costs of services for qualifying clinical trials
Next Step
- Verify patient's eligibility via the Noridian Medicare Portal
- If MA plan valid, bill services to appropriate insurer
- If MA plan has been updated and is no longer valid for date of service, submit new claim
- Refile claim with appropriate modifiers
- Modifier GV - Attending physician is not employed or paid under agreement by the patient's Hospice provider
- Modifier GW - Condition not related to the patient's terminal condition
- Modifier Q0 - Investigational clinical service provided in a clinical research study that is in an approved clinical research study
- Modifier Q1 - Routine clinical service provided in a clinical research study that is in an approved clinical research study
- Submit a Reopening request,
- Add appropriate modifier(s), if time limit for filing claim has expired
- If MA plan was not valid, request reprocessing of claim
Claim Submission Tips
- Prior to rendering services, obtain patient's health insurance card