Reason Code A1 | Remark Code N370

Code Description
Reason Code: A1 Claim/Service denied. At least one Remark Code must be provided
Remark Code: N370 Billing exceeds the rental months covered/approved by the payer.


Common Reasons for Denial

  • Oxygen equipment has exceeded number of approved paid rentals

Next Step

  • A Redetermination request may be submitted with all relevant supporting documentation. Review applicable Local Coverage Determination (LCD), LCD Policy Article, and documentation checklists prior to submitting request. Noridian encourages Redeterminations be submitted using the Noridian Medicare Portal.

How to Avoid Future Denials

  • To verify if beneficiary has/has not had a same or similar item in the past, suppliers may call Noridian Interactive Voice Response (IVR) or use the Noridian Medicare Portal


Last Updated $dateUtil.getDate( $modifieddate , "MMM dd , yyyy" , $locale , $tzone )