Oxygen and Oxygen Equipment: Continued Coverage

For beneficiaries to be considered for continued coverage in Groups II and III, there is additional criteria that needs to be met between days 61-90 after initiation of oxygen therapy.

Group II:

  1. Evaluation and documentation of a repeat qualifying blood gas test by the treating practitioner between the 61st and 90th days after initiation of therapy.
  2. A new Standard Written Order (SWO) by the treating practitioner.

Group III:

  1. Evaluation and documentation of a repeat, normoxemic, qualifying blood gas test by the treating practitioner between the 61st and 90th days after initiation of therapy,
  2. A new Standard Written Order (SWO) by the treating practitioner.

For more information, visit the Oxygen and Oxygen Equipment webpage for links to the Local Coverage Determination (LCD), Policy Article, Oxygen Modifier Decision Tree and so much more.

Last Updated $dateUtil.getDate( $modifieddate , "MMM dd , yyyy" , $locale , $tzone )