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This is the Noridian Medicare Portal (NMP) User Guide. To use the elements within this guide you must first be logged into the portal.


NMP Allows Same or Similar Range Searches on All HCPCS Codes

The Noridian Medicare Portal (NMP) has been updated to allow a search on a range of HCPCS codes beginning with the same prefix for Same or Similar. In the past, Option 2, under Same or Similar, was limited to HCPCS codes starting with an A, L, or V (supplies, orthotics/prosthetics and vision).

Noridian encourages suppliers to use Option 2 for most same or similar searches, as Option 1 is limited to codes listed on the Same and Similar Reference Chart, but there are many codes in the same range, i.e., E codes, that are considered same or similar.

For example, for respiratory devices, E0601 and E0470 are on the same and similar chart, i.e. in Option 1, but the E0486, oral appliance, is also considered same or similar but is not listed on the chart so this search will only work during a range search using Option 2. Some other Option 2 examples are ventilator codes and wheelchairs options and accessories.

NMP searches claims back five years on most items; eight years for nutrition pumps. For oxygen, the portal searches lifetime.


Last Updated $dateUtil.getDate( $modifieddate , "MMM dd , yyyy" , $locale , $tzone )