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This is the Noridian Medicare Portal (NMP) User Guide. To use the elements within this guide you must first be logged into the portal.


Registration Checklist


Facility must determine Administrator(s)

  • Administrations do not have access to conduct inquires in portal
  • Administrators approve/deny End User access, remove End User access, if necessary, and monitor End User portal activity
  • Each administrator may have access to 25 Tax Identification Numbers (TINs). Each facility is advised to have two administrators per TIN to serve as backup, when necessary

Registrant must ensure all registration information is ready

  • TIN and one National Provider Identifier (NPI) and Provider Transaction Access Number (PTAN) combination within that TIN
  • Part A and Medicare Part B providers must verify EDISS Connect information is current. Go to http://www.edissweb.com/cgp/registration/
    • Employees who work with facility's electronic claim submission should be contacted for account information
  • Each record must contain TIN or Social Security Number (SSN), NPI, Submitter ID, also known as Trading Partner ID, and be an approved submitter. If any information is missing, Noridian Medicare Portal accounts will not be approved. If further assistance is required, contact Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
  • Submitter ID obtained from EDISS Connect for Part A and B users
  • Forgot Submitter ID / Trading Partner ID? Use the Submitter ID Lookup
  • A recently-paid check number and check amount. This may be obtained from Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
    • Part A check cannot be older than 90 days

Attend Noridian Medicare Portal workshop

  • To register for a workshop, go to "Education & Outreach" and "Schedule of Events." Select desired workshop title and register.
  • View self-paced tutorial of workshop. Select Noridian Medicare Portal Tutorial

Administrator(s) complete portal registration

  • As Noridian Medicare Portal is launched, it is important that facilities have a communication plan is in place to inform End users who Administrator(s) are. This will prevent inappropriate Administrator registrations if the employee is to be an "End user" and conduct inquiries.

Review Noridian Medicare Portal webpage for additional information, if necessary

  • Go to "Browse by Topic" and "Noridian Medicare Portal" to view user manuals, tutorials, and emails as we progress in our migration plan.

Administrator(s) must notify End Users when their registration may begin

  • Administrator(s) should provide the following to their End Users for each NPI that requires access:
  • EDI Submitter ID
  • TIN
  • NPI
  • PTAN
Last Updated $dateUtil.getDate( $modifieddate , "MMM dd , yyyy" , $locale , $tzone )