Article Detail - JE Part A
Canceled Claims Missing Indicator and Causing Overlap - Resolved 08/30/22
Provider/Supplier Type(s) Impacted: Not applicable.
Reason Codes: Not applicable.
Claim Coding Impact: Not applicable.
Description of Issue: As early as 02/01/22, cancel claims are being posted in error to the Common Working File (CWF) without the cancel indicator, creating overlap issues. Impacted claims are entered through DDE and received electronically.
Noridian Action Required: Noridian is monitoring for a resolution from the Shared System Maintainer.
05/03/22 - Noridian is continuing to monitor for resolution.
Provider/Supplier Action Required: No action at this time.
08/30/22 - Providers may submit or re-submit any claims that would not process due to this issue. Previously submitted claims are in RTP status.
Proposed Resolution/Solution: The Shared System Maintainer is researching the resolution.
05/20/22 - The erroneous claims posted to the CWF are scheduled to be removed on 05/31/22.
06/01/22 - The Shared System Maintainer has completed steps to resolve the issue, and CWF has additional steps to complete before it is resolved. Noridian will provide additional updates as they are available.
06/28/22 - CWF is continuing to work on a resolution.
07/15/22 - CWF is continuing to work with the Shared System Maintainer on a resolution.
08/03/22 - CWF is continuing to work with the Shared System Maintainer on a resolution.
08/11/22 - Providers may see claim activity the week of 08/29/22. MACs will receive a file from the shared system and will start to review the claims and work on solutions. However, it is unknown when the issue will be fully corrected. Additional updates will be provided as they are available.
08/30/22 - The file was successful, and claims have been released for processing.
Date Reported: 04/06/22
Date Resolved: 08/30/22