Article Detail - JE Part A
HCPCS J0129 with JA Modifier Denied in Error for SAD Exclusion List - Resolved 02/21/23
Provider/Supplier Type(s) Impacted: Part A Facilities
Reason Codes: 5SADL
Claim Coding Impact: J0129 with the JA Modifier
Description of Issue: Claims billed in Part A containing J0129 with the JA modifier are inappropriately denying for the Self-Administered Drugs Exclusion.
Noridian Action Required: Noridian has updated the system to allow J0129 with the JA modifier.
Provider/Supplier Action Required: N/A
Proposed Resolution/Solution: Noridian is mass adjusting claims. 02/02/24 - Mass adjustment initiated.
02/21/24 - Mass adjustments were completed.
Date Reported: 12/28/23
Date Resolved: 02/21/24