Article Detail - JE Part A
HIPPS Codes Rejections in EDI - Resolved 12/08/23
Provider/Supplier Type(s) Impacted: Providers that bill with HIPPS codes
Reason Codes: Not applicable
Claim Coding Impact: Not applicable
Description of Issue: There is a known issue with claims received through the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). Claims with HIPPS codes are receiving front end rejections.
Noridian Action Required: Noridian will provide updates as they are available.
11/29/23 - Several claims rejected in error that did not contain a HIPPS code. Noridian created a workaround for claims that do not contain HIPPS codes.
Provider/Supplier Action Required: If providers receive rejections, monitor this alert for further instruction.
11/29/23 - Providers may resubmit claims that were rejected for non-HIPPS reasons. Claims with HIPPS codes will reject until the shared system maintainer logic is implemented.
12/08/23 - Providers may resubmit claims.
Proposed Resolution/Solution: The Shared System Maintainer has a logic update scheduled for 01/02/24. Noridian will provide updates if an interim solution is determined.
11/29/23 - The logic update is tentatively scheduled for 12/05/23.
12/08/23 - The logic has been updated and the issue is resolved.
Date Reported: 11/22/23
Date Resolved: 12/08/23